TEAM during the Hackathon

because it’s a whole team work

Team, project, game play coordination by @Tanguyvl, supported by Clarrisa & Pedro

The whole pitch, team set-up & concept directions happened on Friday night, Tanguy continuously poundered the needs of the team and tried to keep a productive environment. Clarissa gave support on Saturday, as a tester, she relevantly challenged many of our directions. Along with Pedro who joined on Saturday and Sunday, they explored the various features of a finished product, gameplay.

Original coding from scratch by @Utopiah from the Brussels VRlab, supported by Michiel & Mohamed from the Brussels VRlab

Decision has been made on JS, since @Utopiah masters that technology. He got supported by Michiel (C++) who learned Js from scratch and Mohamed who is VR hardware designer. Since it’s a hackathon, time is unfortunately limited, the coding got structured as follows: 1) Friday night, description of the needs 2) Saturday, start of a 20 hours straight coding: iteration #1 3) Sunday, factorization, assets integration & testing for submission at 1.30pm + adding a code of a fan power depending our your bobsleigh speed

Original design from @VRFred

Because web-based, the whole environment had to be as light as possible and low-polygon (no textures). “A game for the whole family” design where nothing comes from existing libraries. A great 24 hours support from this Santa-Claus design hacker.

Original sounding from @Lamoova_didier

When boosting the Bobsleigh, Didier actually hacked the Ariane rocket sound at take-off! And this sounds great. Lots of surprises here and there that set up a whole crazy environment where a grin is the obvious outcome.