So you read What Is VR Lab Brussels, maybe you participated to the First Workshop Quest or tried some of the Hardware.

Now you wonder how to help, how to make it better? There are quite a few things you can do already

  1. providing another independent physical space with, sorted by importance
    • required
      • electricity
      • Internet connectivity
      • safe hardware storage
      • tables to accommodate 10 persons
      • heating
    • optional
      • blackboards
      • 3D printers
      • video projector
  2. Sharing The Meetup group with whom could be interested in VR nearby Brussels
  3. Finding sponsors to provide more Hardware
  4. Giving us feedback on how to improve
    • our communication
      • including this very website
    • the workshops
    • the hardware booking system
  5. 3D print

Any other idea or question? Contact us on Twitter @VRLabBrussels.