Tried on SteamVR

  • Overall
    • re-embodying the digital realm
      • nearly getting out of breath after few minutes of (intense) Ninja Trainer
    • different experience
      • to use it with friends in a relax context than with a queue in a public space
      • to have one available for testing rather than just experiencing other existing demos
        • lot of creative freedom and thinking about concrete problems to solve right now
    • quite similar to the previous testing version I tried in February
    • still good reminder that Cardboard is just for rapid prototyping, popularisation and mobility, not proper VR experience
    • immersion is both a blessing and a curse, amazing to feel somewhere else but also during first time not to be able to receive or share tips with the outside world is a pain
      • easily solved with webVR and webSocket by displaying information typed in a HUD
    • LightHouse can be extended with own devices
  • games
    • Tiltbrush
      • counter intuitive controls at first
    • Sisters
      • not that scary but mind blown by the animation possibility as we know nearly perfectly where the person is looking a hence paying attention and thus where he is NOT paying attention
    • Space Pirate Trainer
      • great 3D minimap example
      • nice weapon switch by tilting the controller back on the shoulder
    • Ninja Trainer (aka fruits samurai)
      • surprised by the reverted blade interaction

Unfortunately I had no time to test neither my own demos.