Setting up

  1. have a modern browser, check using
    1. have a modern mobile browser that support webVR (e.g. latest Chrome in the app store)
    2. if you plan to use a desktop instead with your Occulus or another device use Chromium experimental build or Firefox Nightly build with Firefox webVR enabled add-on
  2. understand where the code goes
    • importing JS
    • coding and debugging
    • testing visuals locally
    • loading the external view to try on the phone

Two frameworks

  1. for people who just want to put content up :
    • Using A-frame Code with testing in the browser
    • unfortunately there is not yet any workshop content for that, you will have to explore on your own.
  2. for people with some basis of programming :

The screen will be all black because... there is a MISTAKE in the code! Fix it and enjoy a beautiful rotating cube!

Discovering the online editor

Key functions (JSBin)

  1. editing code with auto refresh (Auto-run JS, enable by default)
  2. detach window to view in actual VR (Occulus or other device e.g. mobile)
  3. clone to edit then save own code
  4. hide the top toolbar (sic)


There will be errors, there will be bugs. That's OK though. What is not OK is to be blind. You need to know what the errors are :

  1. using the console in Chrome : Ctrl+Shift+J
  2. using the console in Firefox : Ctrl+Shift+K

If you do not learn how to use the console, you will be in a world of pain (I'm serious.)!

Jump to Mission 1 to dive in your own code! Make sure your code is working (beautiful rotating cube) before going on.