• "I felt very inspired after [the VRLab Brussels] work-shop. There is a whole world out there with technology which I read and see everyday but I don’t really know how it works and I like to know more about." Zineb Mekrani
  • "It was my first experience in this field and at the end of the workshop I managed to create my first code. I am looking forward for the next event." Christian Sallustro
  • "[The VRLab Brussels] framework suits very well with the kind of training we provide to children and youngsters at Coderdojo. Yesterday I proposed the easiest exercise of Wednesday´s workshop at Coderdojo Madrid´s session to a small group, and all of them (4 children between 8 & 12) could do the exercise successfully (with some help of course) [...] They enjoyed it despite their ages" Adolfo Solero
  • "Ecstatic to see young WebVR makers creating the Metaverse using A-Frame. Not even 10 years old. WebVR is incredible." (cf Tweet on VRLab Brussels workshop materials) by Chris Van Wiemeersch, Mozilla
  • "Great presentation yesterday about the state of VR by Fabien Benetou (definitaly have a look at the website). VR is not only about consuming, it is about creating.", Dennis Peeters
  • "perfect mix between a well prepared course and unprepared VR demo showcases of all the participants. Top!" Michiel Van Dyck
  • "Well done guys!!!" Juan Bossicard, Microsoft Innovation Center Brussels