VRLab is an itinerant lab (with its own physical space as of February 2016) bringing enthusiasts of Virtual Reality in and around Brussels together. The principle is to foster discovery of virtual reality by trying and building. The VR Lab Brussels is thus an enabler, bringing hardware and software of virtual reality together to make participants build what they have in mind.


"Who" is VRLab Brussels

Mohamed Ouedarbi

Role : Organizer

  • Hardware Workshop and thinkering
  • finding sponsors
  • finding a space
  • gathering an local enthusiastic crowd

Working on a prototype : VRMOTION

Fabien Benetou aka Utopiah

Role : Co-Organizer

  • writing down the content of workshops
  • gathering an local enthusiastic crowd

Fabien is also playing with vAtelier.net , his main motivation for discovering webVR.

Tanguy Vanderlinden

Role : Co-Organizer

  • main VR trends & applications
    • global AR-VR strategy, development & business
    • VR project coordination/ management specificities
  • gathering a local enthusiastic crowd


Role : Communication

  • AI in charge of keeping members and curious up to date

Where is VRLab Brussels?

  • World Trade Center, 25th floor at F/LAT
    • 28-30 boulevard Albert II, Brussels, Brussels

Easy to reach using public transport and with an impressive view, even though not as impressive as VR ;)

Please note than if you arrive after 7pm or during the weekend you will have to pass through security using the Rue Willem De Mol entrance. Your name must be on the RSVP list else you will not be granted access.

See here an example on how to reach this entrance from Gare du Nord, the north station deserved by trains, buses, public bike stations and trams.

Curious on how to get there inside the building? Trying our on-going 360/VR experience.

Please also note that parking is available only during week days and before 7pm. Outside of those hours it's recommended to find a spot on the NorthWest of the tower, in direction of the canal.

VRLab Brussels in numbers (as of June 2016)

  • 350 VRLabers
    • with tight link with Be.VR and its 920 members
  • 16 past events with webVR workshops and hardware testing sessions
    • 10 workshops
    • 3 presentations
  • 5 types of commercial Hardware devices available
  • 2 working DIY hardware prototypes
  • 2 Upcoming Workshops with established locations during the next 3 months
  • 3 organizers
  • 1 Twitter @VRLabBrussels account
  • 1 permanent physical space
  • Founded in November 2015

With a VR infographic presentation https://output.jsbin.com/pemege

VRLab Brussels in design files

Chat (IRC)