
Let's test what you just made! You can use a simple environement. I would recommand the Googles ones :

If you're familiar with VR, you probably have some other ideas in mind. Suggest them to us so we can add them here!

Get further

Now, time to explore, imagine and create. Keep in mind :

  • There's no bad idea during this process. You're now in an exploration time, not (yet) in an industrial production with 10000 handset review. Feel free to try anything you want to.
  • Look at what other people do show them what you're doing.

There's plenty of ways you can improve your device or someone else's one. I propose you to start with the following tracks, but feel free to make whatever else you want.

  • Get inspired
  • Usages
  • Materials
  • Tools
  • Techniques

Get inspired

The first best ressource is the person next to you. Look at what he's doing and bounce on his ideas! You will also find plenty of good designs on internet. Search with:

But don't only stick to Makers websites. Try Pinterest, Libre Object (belgian site!), even GitHub for general ideas of fabrication, application, aspect.


What can my device do more? Here's some ideas:

  • Personalise it to your phone/head dimensions
  • Make it stick on your head :
    • elastic band
    • glasses arms
    • attach it to an helmet
    • hot glue on your face (or not)
  • How can I interact with it ? Think of a leapmotion as a controler
  • What happens when I put my phone inside ? Think of a NFC tag to automatically start the VR app
  • Any other I/O ? Think of an arduino held on it

Basically, ask you questions about what you'd like to do with it. Then try to find solutions!


We used cardboard because it's cheap and fast to cut. But you can use something else :

  • Plywood and MDF
  • Paper
  • Acrylic/Plexyglass
  • Cork

You can take all the chutes asside the machine you want.Just be very carefull to NEVER cut PVC. It will produce pure chlorine gas that hightly corrode the metal of the machine and your lungs. To identify a plastic, use the chart on wall next to the machine.



123dMake is a slicer for 3d models. Another slicer, working as a plugin for sketchup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jo5TxtKLmjM


During this workshop, we use the lasercutter because it's fast and precise. However you can use the others machine in the noise and dust part of the maker space like the saws or drills.Please note that we've not insurance for you, use them at your own risk. Some belongs to the community, some belongs to people that lend them. Be respectfull!

3d Print

You probably noticed the 3dprinters, or saw plenty of 3d models on Thingiverse. It's a great tool ! However it usually takes at least one hour to print something, plus the time to set the print parameters. That's why we didn't propose directly to use them. But if you really want to use them, register to micro-factory or another maker space and you'll have a lot of fun ! Note that you can freely use the 3dprinters of the FabLab-brussels on Wednesday from 13h tot 21h!


  • You can make hinges like so. I included a template in the local network : \\mf-2\MicroFactory\VR_Workshop\Hinge_Templace. You also can design your own! Note that those hinges are very nice, but it's sometime hard to find the right parameters between solidity and bending.
  • Just fold it! It's quite easy with cardboard!
  • Use the utility knife to only cut the top layer of your cardboard. Then you can fold it in a more elegant way.

Question yourself

Finally (or firstly), ask yourself the Five Ws for the usability :

  • Who will use it? (me > custom dimensions?)
  • What do I want to make with it? (transport? use it with iPad? very strong?)
  • When? (hem...)
  • Where? (home, plane, swimming pool?)
  • Why? (showcase to friends, dev my own app?)

Also ask yourself those question for the fabrication process.


Don't forget to share what you did ! As for code, choose a license and upload to github, thingiverse, libreobjet...