Current situation (25 May 2016)

15e : DNS 2016 (paid by Fabien)
70e : F/LAT April 2016 x2110e : donations 2 March 2016
70e : F/LAT May 2016 x230e : donations 20 May 2016(paid by Mohamed)
70e : F/LAT June 2016 x2 (paid by Mohamed)
70e : F/LAT July 2016 x2 (unpaid!)
70e : F/LAT August 2016 x2 (unpaid!)
70e : F/LAT September 2016 x2 (unpaid!)
30e : Meetup 2016 (Status unknown!)
Total : 465eTotal : 140e


Future situation

?e : Tshirts 
100e : 1x Roll-up 
200e : ASBL status 
Total : 300eTotal : 0e

300+e deficit.

This budget is indicative only. It does not reflect for example :

  • hardware bought my active members,
  • expenses related to coming to events,
  • hours invested preparing workshops,
  • hours organizing events,
  • hours being at events.