You want to really make a step forward and to make the month of October THE VR month for you too?

Come Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 to a weekend long workshop organized by Fabien Benetou. Fabien already gave a similar weekend workshop before, more than 10 workshops on VR in the last year and is working on commercial and free VR projects. He successfully participated to 2 VR hackathons this year. He also has recently been invited to several VR events to focus on webVR.

Following the previous successful workshop (cf photos of smiling people ;) this session will teach you :

  • the stereo effect
  • fundamental rules of VR-scene design
  • Aframe as a sensible and emerging framework
  • loading your own 3D assets
  • sharing your VR experience with the outside world
  • WebVR as a perfect entry to VR, not only being the first step

and a lot more. Just bring a working laptop, a modern smartphone and be eager to learn!

Subscribe now

Price : 185€ for a weekend masterclass