TODO Remove /DesignAnElementaryHandset and /NextStage Put posters Clean the tables and put cutters/hot glue put wifi codes somewhere Share the basic design on github or thingeverse

The idea is to have something useful :

  • for participants on June 4
  • for yourself until then
  • for participants and yourself after

Use the edit button with the password secret to improve those pages.

Doc :

Note :

  • list personal experiments, what worked, what didn't work
  • have at least one example of personnalisation (e.g. head size, phone size)
  • have at least one example of going further than current Google Cardboard (e.g. holding Arduino or Leap Motion)
  • add the Inkscape option for people who can't or do not want to install Sketchup with warning note saying that the concepts are the same but the tools and shortcuts are a bit different.
  • Do more : how to register in a fablab


Welcome in the VR Hardware workshop! You will learn how you can design and build a handset in a MakerSpace. The plan is to:

  • Learn Sketchup to design an elementary -but fonctional- custom handset for your phone dimensions.
  • Laser-cut and test it.
  • Search for inspiration and brainstorm with others fellows.
  • Design, cut and test again.


Let's start ! Go through the following stages:

  1. Design
  2. Make
  3. Brainstorm

European Maker Week Introduction video


To do next time

  • teaching materials as physical items
    • physical 3D axis for design with good/bad spot (cf Mike Alger's zones)
    • <a-box> with engraved params
    • abstract ECS