Goal : going from solely writing software to making hardware. Cardboard part done successfuly, now how to make it also benefiting from the open electronics recent movement?

Principle : interact with somebody in VR through selectronic

Workshop lead : Hugo

Date : 1st of August, 6pm

Required material : laptop + charger + Ardunio devkit installed with esp plugin https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino#installing-with-boards-manager

Hardware : 6 electronic kits

  • 1 ESP8266 chipset, programmable with Arduino/Python with WiFi integrated
  • 1 breadboard
  • 1 potentiometer
  • jumpers


  1. get ESP8266 working by flashing it from your computer, tesing with the LED
  2. turn on and off the LED from your VR app based on being entering or leaving VR
  3. change your VR experience based on the potentiometer value
  4. bonus : host the VR experience directly on the ESP8266


To share amongst participants who want to go further

  • temperature and humidty sensor
  • depth sensing (ultrasound)
  • light intensity
  • infrared receptor
  • misc

No accelerometer for now.

Other potential ideas

  1. reproduce the January hackathon IoT fan controlled by the server of the VR bobsleight experience
  2. control the lighting of a VR experience with a light sensor
  3. user accelerometers on other part of the body e.g. feet
  4. your idea?
  5. using autobahn.ws/js/ (PubSub) with crossbar.io (broker) as an Aframe component (ECS for webVR)
    1. http://jsbin.com/pojeva/edit?html,output (WIP)

Test video

See also